
Health Insurance News, Articles and Opinions

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Tips for Purchasing Student Health Insurance

(December 24, 2007) Student health insurance is a protection that many kids going off to college don’t think about. Most of them have never had to deal with insurance or insurance related issues (as those were likely dealt with by their parents), so it is likely to slip their mind – especially with all of the other excitement surrounding them.


Tips for Finding Short-Term Health Insurance

(December 20, 2007) Short-term health insurance plans are intended to be a temporary backup plan to regular health insurance and can be taken out for one month or up to 12 months. These plans are much cheaper than regular insurance and are easier for applicants to receive, but they are also very restrictive in what they will and will not cover.


Tips for Finding Group Health Insurance

(December 18, 2007) Group health insurance is a great way for you to give your employees a benefit that they will appreciate. In today’s world of high health care costs, where small businesses usually don’t offer this benefit and even large employer are beginning to scale back their programs, this is a benefit that employees know not to take for granted.


Tips for Finding Family Health Insurance

(December 11, 2007) Family Health Insurance may require many more considerations than if you were to look for health insurance for yourself alone. Families, especially young ones, tend to grow and change quickly – and you don′t want to have to find a new health insurance plan every time that happens.


Tips for Finding Travel Health Insurance

(December 10, 2007) Travel insurance is there to protect you while you travel, usually internationally when your current health plan will likely not cover you. Travel insurance is for emergencies that you may encounter while travelling and some plans even include extras, like evacuation services and lost luggage.


Tips for Finding HMO Health Insurance

(December 7, 2007) So you know that you want to choose an HMO plan in order to keep your costs down, but now what? What else do you need to think about before joining one of these plans? There are many things that you should consider before deciding on any health insurance plan, but an HMO has some special considerations.

Tips for Finding Individual Health Insurance (December 6, 2007) Finding individual health insurance on your own can seem overwhelming. While you want to be covered, you also don’t want to spend an arm and a leg to get that coverage. There are many ways to find the individual health insurance coverage that is right for you.

Out-of-Pocket Maximums Explained

(December 4, 2007) One issue that some people may not realize about health insurance is that there is a thing called an out-of-pocket maximum. For those who end up facing extreme, extensive, and costly medical bills, these maximums can become a lifesaver and are yet another reason why having a health insurance policy will protect your financial well-being.


Travel Health Insurance

(December 3, 2007) Have you ever wondered what you would do if you got hurt or fell ill while out of the country? If you haven’t, you should. Most traditional health insurance plans won’t cover medical bills from outside of the U.S, so it is important that you fill this gap whenever you are traveling internationally.


Tips for Finding Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

(November 30, 2007) Pregnancy can be a very exciting time in a couples lives; however, it can also be a complicated time when dealing with medical insurance. Many health insurance companies are very particular about what they will and will not cover during a pregnancy, since this is a very expensive event.


Implementing a Wellness Program to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

(November 29, 2007) In today’s fast-paced fast food world, it is hard to find the time to do things the way that we should do them. We try to take shortcuts to make everything quicker, from using a Swiffer instead of a bucket and mop, to shopping online instead of going to a retail location, or even grabbing fast food for dinner instead of making a home cooked meal. Sadly this impatience and need for convenience is putting the health of our nation at risk, as more than 60% of Americans are considered overweight and over 30% are obese.


Let Short-Term Health Insurance Fill the ‘Gaps’ in Your Life

(November 28, 2007) Who can benefit from short-term health insurance? The answer is almost anyone … at least at some point in their life. Short-term health insurance is sometimes known as “gap” insurance because it helps to fills in the health insurance gaps that many of us experience throughout life.


The importance of health insurance for those fighting cancer

(November 27, 2007) Fighting a life-threatening illness is a challenge for anyone. But, for those who are battling for their lives without health insurance, the problems are compounded: Many uninsured Americans diagnosed with cancer either must use all of their savings, if they have any, or go without necessary treatment that could save their lives.

Several states toying with idea of universal health insurance for all residents (November 26, 2007) Health insurance is a hot topic in the United States today and with good reason: An estimated 46 million Americans do not have individual or family health insurance.
Number of people under 65 without health insurance skyrockets (November 23, 2007) For many Americans, health insurance is simply out-of-reach, whether because health problems make them ineligible for coverage or the costs are simply too high for them to afford.
Health Insurance Mandate Requiring All Kansans’ Under 25 To Receive Health Insurance Blocked (November 20, 2007) Kansas legislators recently blocked a proposal that would require all Kansans under 25 years of age to have health insurance coverage. Among the stipulations included in the rejected proposal was the requirement that all children have health insurance.
Health insurance bill vetoed by President Bush: What’s next? (November 19, 2007) It was a showdown that Democrats and their many Republican allies just couldn’t win: After President Bush vetoed the $35 billion expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program that would have provided health coverage for an estimated four million more of America’s uninsured children; Democratic leaders vowed they would do whatever it took to override the veto.
Health insurance a hot debating point among presidential candidates (November 16, 2007) Even with the presidential election still over a year away, the race for president is already heating up. One top priority of many candidates, which is a reflection of the concern of many Americans, is the lack of affordable health insurance in the United States.
California Office of Patient’s Advocate Releases Healthcare Quality Scores (November 15, 2007) Students are graded on their schoolwork, and many employees are evaluated based upon their work performance.
Women’s health care not up to par, according to new report (November 14, 2007) With more than 46 million Americans without health insurance, it is perhaps common sense that there are going to be problems with the healthcare system in the United States.
Health Savings Accounts : Get the Most Out of a High Deductible Insurance Plan (November 12, 2007) There is one basic advantage to purchasing a high deductible health insurance plan -- you will reduce the cost of your monthly premium payments on the plan and have more money in your family’s monthly budget for other things.
The Benefits of Applying for Group Health Insurance (November 9, 2007) Group health insurance is available to small business owners who qualify for this benefit. The basic qualifications include that you are a legitimate business entity (supported by your business filing documents or articles of incorporation), that you have at least two full-time employees (including yourself), and that you are willing to contribute the minimum employer percentage as defined by the insurance company who you choose to receive coverage from.
Buying Your Health Insurance Online (November 8, 2007) If you are in the market for an affordable health insurance plan, there are many options you can choose from when it comes to how you find your insurance plan.
Health Insurance Discount Plans: Will They Benefit You? (November 7, 2007) There are two basic ways that someone who needs short-term health insurance coverage can protect themselves: through a health insurance discount plan or through a short-term managed care plan.
Qualifying for Group Health Insurance (November 6, 2007) If you have a small business and wish to qualify for group health insurance, there are certain guidelines that you must meet in order to qualify for this benefit.
Short-Term Health Insurance Coverage (November 5, 2007) There are two basic ways that someone who needs short-term health insurance coverage can protect themselves: through a health insurance discount plan or through a short-term managed care plan.
PPO Vs. HMO: Which Is Best for You? (November 2, 2007) Choosing a specific health insurance plan is not the only choice you have to make. There are also different types of coverage out there, the biggest of which are PPO plans and HMO plans.
What to Consider When Shopping for a Health Insurance Plan (November 1, 2007) There are many factors to consider when shopping for a health insurance plan. One of those, of course, is cost. The cost of a plan will be one of the first things and one of the most important criteria for a plan for many people; but the cost of your plan should not be the only factor that you consider.